1 son and 5 m/c later


0 Posts
Reply 1 son and 5 m/c later Posted on: Apr 15, 2011 at 12:18am
I came across your website looking for answers that no one has yet been able to assist me with. I familiarized myself with the field with the wonderful education you offer. After battling with the insurance company to get them to understand that there is a such thing as a repro IMMUNOLOGIST not ENDO, countless bloodwork to be told that I am "normal," going to an Repro facility to be told there is nothing to be done (other than donor eggs and surrogacy), here I am. A little about me: 31 yr old AA female, proud mama of an 8 yr old male, conceived naturally, no complications during pregnancy or birth, history of 5 recurrent miscarriages at less than 8 wks gestation, no D&Cs...I heard that I may possbly have endometriosis and may need a laparoscopy to laser away tissue...but i don't want to undergo surgery. Basically I am asking if there is a chance that I can give my son a sibling without a surrogate or donor egg? I can get pregnant just can't hold on to them. I will be making an appt to see you just trying to square things away with ins carrier first.

Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
Re: 1 son and 5 m/c later Posted on: Apr 15, 2011 at 4:21am
Ok I look forward to meeting you, yes after a normal pregnancy, it is unusual that we cant get you another , regardless of the number of losses you have suffered.
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.