Coenzyme Q10: a precious asset to challenge the effects of ovarian aging on your fertility

Posted By Braverman IVF & Reproductive Immunology | 1-April-2019

A recent article published in the journal Antioxidants showed the multiple benefits of Coenzyme Q10 on delaying ovarian aging by lowering its detrimental effects (cell death and decrease in mitochondrial performance) not only on oocyte (egg) but also on cumulus cells (cells surrounding and supporting the oocyte development).

As explained in one of our previous blog, ovarian aging (or senescence) is defined by a significant decrease in oocyte quantity and quality and is marked by the disruption of several factors:

  • Energy decrease in the oocyte (decrease of glucose uptake)
  • Shortening of the telomeres that limits the maintenance of an organ leading to its senescence (1)
  • Decrease in DNA repair potential
  • Alteration of epigenetic mechanisms
  • Increased levels of oxidative stress

    Among the factors accelerating the aging of the ovaries, the most prominent one is a decline in mitochondrial activity.

    Mitochondria are small energy producing organelle, present in the oocyte that play a key role in supporting the early step of embryo development. Mitochondrial dysfunction triggers ovarian dysfunction, infertility, and ovarian aging (2). Moreover, oxidative damage is much more prominent in mitochondria and can disrupt its function.

    Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant that you naturally produce and that fuels your cells’ growth and activity. It is one of the key components of the mitochondrial electron transport chain involved in energy (ATP) production (3), further it has critical anti-oxidant properties (4) by inhibiting lipid peroxidation and DNA oxidation. CoQ10 levels decrease with age in a similar way than fertility decreases, or the rate of embryo aneuploidy increases (5).

    This may suggest the key contribution of reduced CoQ10 levels to ovarian aging and impaired oocyte maturation (6).

    In the above-mentioned study, the authors compared the expression of enzymes involved in the Coenzyme Q synthesis between young and aged individuals.Results showed that enzymes involved in Coenzyme Q synthesis are reduced in older women and aged mice as compared to younger counterparts. Further, the age-associated disruption in mitochondrial function is not only seen in the oocyte but also in cumulus cells (cells surrounding the oocyte). The number of cumulus cells significantly decreased in conjunction with an accelerated rate of apoptosis (cell death) while the pool of mitochondria significantly declined in aged individuals.

    Interestingly, supplementation with Coenzyme Q10 in mice restored multiple parameters:

  • decrease the rate of cumulus cell death
  • increase the number of cumulus cells per oocyte
  • restore mitochondria pool
  • increase glucose uptake by the cumulus cells
  • restore progesterone levels

    CoQ10 is one of the several ingredients of our Endo-Optimize supplement crafted at Braverman Reproductive Immunology that allows the  increase of the developmental competence of your eggs (better egg quality). Our formulation also contains a cocktail of anti-oxidants including Acai Berry, pine tree bark (pycnogenol), resveratrol and Green Formula (chlorella and spirulina) for a stronger effect on free radicals scavenging and oxidative stress. Endo-Optimize is the best solution to counteract oxidative stress induced-DNA damage and optimize your egg quality as well as minimizing the symptoms associated with endometriosis and PCOS. 

    This all in one pill contains many ingredients enhancing mitochondrial activity (a key component in oocyte development) and reducing inflammation and oxidative stress thus allowing optimal microenvironment for the oocyte development and maturation.

    Our diet supplements are available for purchase. For more information about our supplements range, please consult our website.

    Questions? Call 516.584.8710
    We would be happy to help you take control of your fertility journey and answer any questions you may have.


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