ATA Positive (Normal TSH) - Treatment


15 Posts
Reply Posted on: Jul 17, 2012 at 1:02am
Dear Dr Braverman,

I find the below article interesting and would like to share with you.
Do you think Thyroxine/other thyroid drug is required for ATA+, with normal TSH (no thyroid issue, or not yet having thyroid issue)? To my understanding, level one treatment is usually Prednisolone, Lovenox/Low dose aspirin & Progesterone. Level 2 treatment (more aggressive) is IVIg.

Does Thyroxine/other thyroid drugs help with immune issues at all?

Thank you so much for your kind advice.

Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
RE: ATA Positive (Normal TSH) - Treatment Posted on: Jul 17, 2012 at 6:09am
I would be hesitant to treat anyone with ATA unless there was a history of loss. If so I beleive that therapies that deal with antibody mediated loss(i.e. asa, lovenox, prednisone) all do well in preventing recurrent loss. Please remember that this can also be associated with other immune issues and to start any treatment without knowing the full extent of what you are treating may lead to "climbing" the ladder rather than getting the correct treatment from the outset.

I hope that helps. This was a well thought out study, but as is the problem with many of these studies you cant just take one isolated test and run treatment protocols if you want to get correct conclusions.
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.