DQA/HLA matching - any chance of success?


1 Posts
Reply Posted on: May 2, 2012 at 1:52pm

I have a 100% match for the DQa and below are our HLA results (matches). I was told I'd need a surrogate since our matches are such that we could even be organ donors for one another. Are there any options that you can see?

Any advice would be much appreciated

DQ Beat 03,04
HLA-A 24,24
HLA-B 15,44
HLA-C 07,14
HLA-DRB1 04,09 DRB4 Present
DQ Alpha 3.0,3.0

DQ Beat 03,04
HLA-A 24,26
HLA-B 40,54
HLA-C 01.08
HLA-DRB1 04,09 DRB4 Present
DQ Alpha 3.0,3.0

My NKa results:NK Cell Assay with IVIg
T:E 1:50 Native State - 9.0
T:E 1:25 Native State - 6.1
T:E 1:12.5 Native State - 4.2
T:E 1:50 with IL-2 stim - 9.3
T:E 1:25 with IL-2 stim - 6.4
T:E 1:12.5 with IL-2 stim - 4.9
T:E 1:50 with IVIg 12.5 - 10.3
T:E 1:25 with IVIg 12.5 - 9.1
T:E 1:12.5 with IVIg 12.5 - 4.9
T:E 1:50 with IVIg 6.5 - 11.7
T:E 1:25 with IVIg 6.5 - 10.1
T:E 1:12.5 with IVIg 6.5 - 8.3NK Cell Assay w/ Intralipid
T:E 1:50 Native State - 9.8
T:E 1:25 Native State - 5.0
T:E 1:12.5 Native State - 3.4
T:E 1:50 with IL-2 stim - 10.6
T:E 1:25 with IL-2 stim - 7.3
T:E 1:12.5 with IL-2 stim - 5.2
T:E 1:50 Intralipid 1:2000 - 12.2
T:E 1:25 Intralipid 1:2000 - 4.6
T:E 1:12.5 Intralipid 1:2000 - 4.2

Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
RE: DQA/HLA matching - any chance of success? Posted on: May 2, 2012 at 2:24pm
yes you do have signficant matching , but this is usually treated by us with out the need for a surrogate. Please call my office and schedule a consultation(we can do telephone or skype) and I would be happy to assist you , but do not use a surroagate without us talking first. Good Luck I look forward to speaking wtth you.
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.