Male Factor Infertility and Recurrent Early Miscarriage


1 Posts
Reply Posted on: Sep 12, 2012 at 10:38am
Dr. Braverman:

We have experienced 7 early losses (between 4-6 weeks gestation, excluding 1 Triploidy loss) in the last 1.5 years. We had tried for 3 years to become pregnant before discovering his varicoceles, and only after my husband had surgery to correct his bilateral varicoceles were were able to become pregnant (first pregnancy was 3 months post-surgery - the rest followed shortly thereafter). All betas took on average 72-90 hours to double and never made it past 200. For the majority, Beta HcG never rose above 20.

All pregnancies were natural. Is it possible that his sperm quality contributed to all the losses? (2% normal forms - strict Kruger scale - 2010 WHO standards). We had one Triploidy loss (MMC, 10 weeks, 68 XXX - 21), all others were unexplained. We have one failed IVF, but used ICSI had had excellent fertilization and decent quality as well (12/13 fertilized, all embryos made it to Day 5 with 3 of excellent quality, 2 good quality, and the rest arrested or slowed).

The specialists here are baffled as our karotypes are both normal, all bloodwork normal, normal uterine cavity / reproductive organs, etc.

I'm curious to know based on your experience if sperm quality is likely the only factor here? For reference, I am 28 and my husband is 35 - we are both in good health. My RPL panel showed no issues (tested for clotting factors, Anti DNA, ANA, etc.)

Thank you, Dr.

Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
RE: Male Factor Infertility and Recurrent Early Miscarriage Posted on: Sep 12, 2012 at 12:46pm
Yes certainly this could still be a male factor, typically the embryos affected by the abnormal sperm, do well until day 3 then arrest and do not make it to blast. The ones that do are deemed to not have male factor and those are the ones that we expect to implant , when they dont we then look for a secondary implantation issue to explain those. Although it is possible it is still the male factor at that point you must rule out immune or other implantation issues.
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.