New cell markers predict miscarriage CD28/CDCTLA4

Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
Reply New cell markers predict miscarriage CD28/CDCTLA4 Posted on: Oct 10, 2011 at 6:33pm
There is new literature that is unfolding the immune regulation of tolerance for the embryo. It appears that when the messenger cells of the immune system(dendritic cells) are "matured" and therefore possess a B7 receptor, they will activate T cells and in turn the T cells will increase the number of CD28 markers on their surface. If the dendritic cells remain or are forced through treatment i.e with nuepogen or IVIG to remain "immature" the B7 receptors are decreased in number and instead of a CD28 marker the T cells now make CDCTLA4 and this keeps the T cell "inert" meaning it can not become an activated immune cell against the embryo. By looking at the ratios of CD28/CDCTLA4 we can now get great insight as to whether the mechansism necessary to create immune tolerance and hence our treatments are working or if a recent pregnancy loss was indeed due to the inability to create the "immature" dendritic cells. (Refer to the website if this is too technical,I explain it better there.)
Our lab is now gearing up to measure this critical ratio.
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.