History of Reproductive Immunology
How Was Reproductive Immunology Developed?
Reproductive Immunology originated with the work of Dr. Medewar which began in the 1940s and ultimately
earned him the Nobel Prize. Dr. Medewar observed that when an organ was
transplanted from the male partner of a female mouse, the organ was immediately
rejected unless the female mouse was currently pregnant with that male's
fetus, in which case, she did not reject the organ transplant. He also
noted that even when pregnant, the female mouse would reject any organ
transplant from any male mouse other than that of the father of the embryo
she was carrying. This showed that the immune system of the female was
able to generate "selective tolerance" to certain genes of the father.
Further research continued to be carried out, based on the obviously significant
role of the mother's immune system in accepting an embryo. Today,
we know a great deal about the exact workings of the immune system and
how it affects a pregnancy. A lot of information has been accumulated
regarding defects in the operation of the immune system and how these
can result in
recurrent miscarriages. Fortunately, this has allowed us to develop
treatments that can increase the rate of successful pregnancies for women worldwide.
Dedicated Medical Care to Help with Pregnancy Complications
Unexplained infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss may be one of the most difficult experiences
you ever face.
Our medical team, led by Dr. Vidali, has extensive experience with reproductive immunology
and has had great success helping many couples expand their families.
Our Medical Team continues to research and refine techniques in this field,
developing testing methods and procedures that provide a greater degree
of effectiveness of treatment. We are the only practice that has been
authorized to use the name "Reproductive Immunology" in New
York State as this requires that we show proof of expertise in both
immunology and reproductive medicine to the New York State Department of Education.
If you have questions regarding reproductive immunology or recurrent miscarriage,
visit us on our
discussion forum!