Recurrent MCs and experience 3rd potential now


1 Posts
Reply Posted on: Jun 13, 2017 at 7:04am
Hi Dr. Braverman,

I have had 2 MCs in the last 9 months. 1st was undiagnosed and 2nd was a partial molar pregnancy. My hcg levels reached 0 and I was cleared to TTC again. In the meantime we did all testing (day 3 bloodwork, Hystersonogram, etc, all came back NORMAL). I ovulated 17 days ago and just got a positivy HPT yesterday. Went to my specialist for bloodwork and HCG levels are 7, they are asking me to come back tomorrow to get another test but think it is not viable. I am on progesterone & baby asprin. What further testing can be done, is this really just another instance of "bad luck"? What do I do next? Is there any chance this pregnancy is viable? I dont know how I am going to go through this again...

Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
RE: Recurrent MCs and experience 3rd potential now Posted on: Jun 13, 2017 at 7:29am
at this point this is not bad luck, I would fill out a consult form on our website and we will shceudle a free consult by phone or SKYPE so I can review this case in detail.
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.