Factor V Leiden


0 Posts
Reply Factor V Leiden Posted on: Jun 9, 2011 at 6:40am
Dear Dr. Braverman

I wrote you a few months ago as I was going through my 3rd miscarrige. Since then I've had a 4th, but also been through investigations into the cause.

Just a bit of background. I had my daughter in 2007 with no complications at all. When she was about a year old I was diagnosed with post partum hypothyroidism. It's being controlled and last test TSH came back 2.82 T3 & T4 within normal ranges - I'm negative for antibodies.

To my great surprise the recent tests showed I was positive for the Factor V Leiden gen mutation and the result for protein C resistency (I think that's what they called it?) came out low <244 [244-344].

I'm not seeing the consultant till July 4th and I want to go armed with questions and I don't want to be fobbed off.

As far as I have understood this is a blood clotting disorder. When would aspirin and Heparin be the right solution?

I've read that Factor V Leiden normally gives problems later in pregnancy, but all my miscarriages happened at about 6 weeks - how can that be, should I be worrried there might be an additional factor?

Also, I had no problems during my first pregnancy, though I must have had the condition back then as well - can it change or get worse over time?

Thank you,


Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
Re: Factor V Leiden Posted on: Jun 10, 2011 at 4:11am
You certainly require more than just a thrombophilia work up . Factor V can cause early losses though mostly associated with later losses. A thorough immune profile is warranted here and many of those issues can be triggered by a first pregnancy. I would be happy to help you get the complete workup completed prior to your 7/5 appointment and most likely would answer most if not more than you would see at your consult. Please feel free to call my office and ask for Jackie she will be happy to assist you in scheduling a telephone consultation. Any immune labs I may order can be done where you live . I hope I can be of service to you.
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.

Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
Re: Factor V Leiden Posted on: Jun 10, 2011 at 4:13am
and yes for the Factor V baby aspirin and lovenox are the recommended treatments.
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.


0 Posts
Reply Re: Factor V Leiden Posted on: Jun 10, 2011 at 7:02am
Thank you so much for your reply. I've got 3 pages with results after my lasts lab tests - below are the ones that came back out of normal ranges. I made a mistake in my original post regarding protein C. My results are in Spanish so sorry if the translation is not correct:

Protein C resistency 1.8 [>2.04]

Anti Toriglubulina <244 [244-344]

Factor V Leiden - Heterozigoto